The right rifles on the right maps can mean the difference between an agonizing loss or a clutch victory for you and your team. This segment of the guide will talk about the Mp5, the FAMAS, the M4a1, the AK-47, and the AWP. Much like the pistol section of this guide, below there is a video provided for your convenience on some tricks and tips to using these guns.

Mp5 (Both)

Cost: $1500
Pros: Cheap, good for Close quarters combat.
Cons: Weak if you're aiming anywhere but the head, Poor at a distance.
Opinion: Pretty much the only Sub Machine Gun worth buying in the game. Buy if you do not have enough money for a rifle, but still require a bit more firepower than in a pistol.


Cost: $2250
Pros: Powerful, Burst fire incredible at a distance.
Cons: Small clip on automatic, Inaccurate spray on automatic.
Opinion: Solid and versatile gun for both long range and close quarter combat, however, if you have the money to buy one of these, you might as well save for an M4a1 instead.

M4a1 (CT Only)

Cost: $3100
Pros: Incredibly accurate, silencer good for stealth, good spray.
Cons: Expensive, weak compared to its Terrorist counterpart: the AK-47.
Opinion: Favourite rifle hands down. I will take an accurate gun over a powerful gun anyday. You will see the majority of CT players using this gun.

AK-47 (Terrorist Only)

Cost: $2500
Pros: Very powerful, good value for the money, single shots dead accurate.
Cons: Abysmal spray accuracy, very significant recoil.
Opinion: Exceptional gun, however, used more often at close range than at long by myself. The majority of T players will be using this gun.

AWP (Both)

Cost: $4750
Pros: Single most powerful gun in the game, one hit kill (excluding shots to hands/feet)
Cons: Very expensive, slows you down quite a bit, inaccurate no-scopes.
Opinion: AWPing may sound easy because of how powerful it is, but it is anything but. You are incredibly slow while holding the AWP, and will be very vulnerable to enemies sneaking up behind you. Very deadly in the hands of a pro.